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Become a Speaker and Boost Your Reach with Vanessa Emerson – 022

Become a Speaker and Boost Your Reach with Vanessa Emerson – 022

Speaking. One of the best ways to do lead gen for your business. If you are a dental consultant, check out my interview with Vanessa Emerson. She runs 2 Dental Speaker Orgs. One super kind lady! Our podcasts are interviews between Justin Krane, Krane Financial...

Making Your Business Attractive to Buyers with Lana Hout – 020

Making Your Business Attractive to Buyers with Lana Hout – 020

Buying or selling a business? It could be your next strategic move in this Covid environment. Check out my interview with Lana Hout. She is a broker agent at First Choice Business Brokers. She's the real deal. One smart cookie! Our podcasts are interviews between...

Own Your Marketing Like a CMO (as the CEO) with Chris Phelps – 018

Own Your Marketing Like a CMO (as the CEO) with Chris Phelps – 018

Marketing Shmarketing. Dentists - learn from Dr. Chris Phelps. We talked about marketing, ROI, and playing offense!  Our podcasts are interviews between Justin Krane, Krane Financial Solution’s President, and various professionals, one or more of which are or have...

Building an Engaged Online Community with Grace Yum – 017

Building an Engaged Online Community with Grace Yum – 017

Dentists! Yummer-oo-ski! Check out my podcast with Dr. Grace Yum - Dentist. Mother. Managing multiple practice locations. Big whoop right? Well. Not exactly. Grace is not chopped liver. She has built multiple communities ONLINE, and grown her biz through Social Media....

Paving a New Path in Your Industry with Justin Joffe – 016

Paving a New Path in Your Industry with Justin Joffe – 016

I never thought this would happen. The world has come down to this. Your dentist could come to you at your office. I'm not kidding! The best way to learn in business is to learn from successful entrepreneurs. I got one for you. Justin Joffe. I love his first name. The...

Recover Lost Revenue with Andrew Grover Cleveland – 015

Recover Lost Revenue with Andrew Grover Cleveland – 015

Dentists! Financial freedom? Is that even a possibility? Super hard to get it when you are owed money - and people aren't paying you! We need to get you paid - like 5 minutes ago. Check out my interview with Andy Cleveland - the hardest working man in the accounts...

Running Your Business Without Burnout with Dr. Mike Kesner – 014

Running Your Business Without Burnout with Dr. Mike Kesner – 014

Man is this guy Mike Kesner a stud. And he's a dentist. Can I even say that in the same sentence? He grew his dental practice to 7 figures in like 4 minutes. Wild. The guy knows his stuff. Dentists - learn from MK. He is solid - and can help you execute your vision!...

Growing Your Business Organically with Amanda Wilson – 013

Growing Your Business Organically with Amanda Wilson – 013

I think I have had braces since like 8th grade. I wore a headgear for 13 hours a day. I'm not kidding. I was a nut with the ortho drama! Enter Amanda Wilson - Orthodontist. Advisor to dentists. Mother. With a killer Hawaiian accent. She helps dentists grow their biz,...

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3 Things Multi Millionaires Do to Grow Their Wealth

3 Simple Things You Can Do Right Now to Work Towards Growing Your Wealth

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