How do you grow your business every year?
By growing PERSONALLY. Yep.
Check out what Kristen Brown has to say about this. It’s time to permanently uplevel.
Not just once for 4 minutes. Listen in to see what she says…
Our podcasts are interviews between Justin Krane, Krane Financial Solution’s President, and various professionals, one or more of which are or have been Krane Financial Solutions clients. However, nothing stated within the podcasts should be considered a testimonial or endorsement of Krane Financial Solutions or Justin Krane, and the professionals have not been directly or indirectly compensated for being interviewed.
Kristen is a keynote speaker, bestselling author and business and lifestyle futurist who helps teams to power up the plan and path to their goals. Kristen gets the challenges that busy professionals face having lived it for 15 years in corporate America. She deeply understands loss, money, job stress, parenting and more and uses this insight to connect through speaking. Kristen uses high-success ideas for growth that directly impact the bottom line by boosting sales, leadership, performance, and profits.
Kristen’s Turning Point
- Kristen became a widow 11 years ago, this was the turning point in her life.
- She was working a high demand corporate job with a 10-month-old baby.
- The economy tanked, but it set her on the path to where she is now.
- She was in a corporate job for 15 years, uncovering trends that she would translate to retailers to create products and advertisements for their businesses.
The Riser Mindset
- Kristen believes in the Riser Mindset.
- The Riser Mindset is when someone goes through something difficult, they are able to move through it and rise to the occasion.
- She believes you need to honor the feelings of things being hard, but know that things will be okay.
- When Kristin was a new mom, she didn’t want her daughter to see her wallowing in pity – she wanted her to think back and see how she overcame these obstacles.
- It took a couple of years before she started to figure things out, but she just needed to step back to see where she wanted to go.
Work-Life Balance is BS
- The idea of a Work-Life Balance is total BS.
- Kristen feels this idea puts more pressure on us to categorize events as one or the other.
- Instead of the word balance, Kristen uses harmony – harmony allows you to choose one or the other without comprising the importance of either of the two.
- For example, if your child is sick and you stay home with them, you are not saying your child is more important than your job – your child just takes priority that day.
- Figuring out where your priorities need to be is a great way to get clear on what needs to be done.
- Look at everything you have to do and figure out the things that bring you happiness and joy.
- Once you know, you can start minimizing the tasks that stress you out and work more towards the things that bring you joy.
Work and Money
- Work and Money are the top two stressors in life – a lot of times, people spend so much time at work that they begin to identify their value as what they get paid.
- When people start looking at issues with budgeting or spending, they can feel like failures.
- Working with your neural pathways to create positive lasting change is crucial for Kristen.
- We have to surround the things we don’t love with things we do so that our neural pathways fire to give a dose of endorphins to create a more positive experience.
- Consistency can be a struggle and we have to continue to work over time to have the habit stick.
- You have to identify what else is going to change around a new habit so that you stick to it and be willing to experiment.
Best Quotes:
“A riser is someone who has embraced that and knows that life is going to be that roller coaster, but they know that it is up to them and they’re going to move through it.” (5:56)
“Looking at everything you are juggling and saying “Okay, what needs to take center stage right now?” Somethings are going to have to be quieter and play on in the background for a while. And then something else can come and take center stage while that other things steps back.” (10:05)
“What works for one person isn’t going to work for you. You have to find your own path, your own energizers.” (13:11)
“You have to figure out what else is gonna change around the new habit so that you stick to it.” (20:18)
“And 95% of the time, money problems are caused by our own stupidity.” (24:02)
Connect With Kristen
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Check out Kristen’s Book: The Happy Hour Effect: Twelve Secrets to Minimize Stress and Maximize Life
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