Did you do the extra credit? You forgot? What?

It’s time to get some serious CREDIT for your biz.

Learn how to increase your Business Credit and your own FICO with Angela Setters – from Conquer Credit – who has helped like 45,000 (You Think I’m Kidding?) business owners get better at all this stuff.

Our podcasts are interviews between Justin Krane, Krane Financial Solution’s President, and various professionals, one or more of which are or have been Krane Financial Solutions clients. However, nothing stated within the podcasts should be considered a testimonial or endorsement of Krane Financial Solutions or Justin Krane, and the professionals have not been directly or indirectly compensated for being interviewed.

Our podcasts are interviews between Justin Krane, Krane Financial Solution’s President and various third-party professionals. Noting stated within the podcasts should be considered a testimonial or endorsement of Krane Financial Solutions or Justin Krane, and the professionals have not been directly or indirectly compensated for being interviewed.

Angela is the founder and CEO of Conquer Credit Management, Inc and has been working in the industry for more than 25 years. She teaches others how to leverage their credit as a tool to create financial stability and wealth. Along with her role as a CEO, Angela is also an influential speaker who shares her expertise on credit management with local businesses. Her Angela’s initiative is to help 300 people become the proud owners of 700+ credit scores in the next year.



Angela’s Background

  • While growing up, Angela dreamed of being a lawyer.
  • At the age of 16, she was working 3 jobs to support herself.
  • She started as a receptionist at a bank and quickly became an underwriter.
  • She was able to help her clients money which wasn’t beneficial for the bank so she was let go – this gave her the idea to start her own company.
  • She has now been working in the credit industry for 27 years.


Tips for Building Credit

  • Find a business to open a line a credit with, such as Home Depot and Costco, then use this card and pay 80% of it monthly, leaving 20% to incur interest.
  • Take a look at your credit score. Know what you are working with.
  • If you have a credit card, you NEED to use it once every 90 days and then pay it off following the 80/20 rule.
  • Have 2 revolving credit cards. (Like Visa or MasterCard)
  • Check out the rest of the tips in the video below!


What You Need to Know

  • There are 3 different types of FICO® Scoring:
    • Consumer – this number is what you will find on credit websites or that gets sent to you from your bank, this number tends to be lower than your actual score.
    • Financial – This number looks at Utilization.
    • Auto – This number is used across all car dealer credit bureaus.
  • There are 3 different companies credit card companies report to:


Best Quotes:


“If you don’t understand how to use your credit as an investment tool, you will fail.” (2:13)

“I have magic pixie dust. All it’s called is real hard work.” (13:39)

“The thing is that your credit equals your habits at the end of the day.” (18:51)

“When someone looks at their credit score and they’re depressed about it I don’t want to say, “Hey be depressed” but just take action and do something about it.” (19:45)

“Couples need to understand that having separated credit is the best way to do business in a marriage. Why is that? Because one person might carry the debt load and the other person doesn’t.” (30:42)


Connect With Angela




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