Tech efficiency! Systems. Smart people. That’s it.
Check out my interview with Ashkaan Hassan. He is soooo smart!
Our podcasts are interviews between Justin Krane, Krane Financial Solution’s President, and various professionals, one or more of which are or have been Krane Financial Solutions clients. However, nothing stated within the podcasts should be considered a testimonial or endorsement of Krane Financial Solutions or Justin Krane, and the professionals have not been directly or indirectly compensated for being interviewed.
Ashkaan focuses on solving complex business problems by pooling from his experiences as an attorney and as a systems engineer. Ashkaan studied business law, metaphysics, and epistemology in his undergraduate career. During law school, he ran the local small claims mediation clinic to understand better how people come to agree. After graduating from the University of San Diego School of Law, he immediately started We Solve Problems and NuLegal to cut his teeth in entrepreneurship. He is currently serving as the Chairman of the Board of After-School All-Stars, LA, a Counsel Advisor to Games for Love, and the Chief Executive Officer of We Solve Problems.
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