I think I have had braces since like 8th grade. I wore a headgear for 13 hours a day. I’m not kidding.

I was a nut with the ortho drama!

Enter Amanda Wilson – Orthodontist. Advisor to dentists. Mother. With a killer Hawaiian accent.

She helps dentists grow their biz, with some ortho consulting on the side. Listen in!

Our podcasts are interviews between Justin Krane, Krane Financial Solution’s President, and various professionals, one or more of which are or have been Krane Financial Solutions clients. However, nothing stated within the podcasts should be considered a testimonial or endorsement of Krane Financial Solutions or Justin Krane, and the professionals have not been directly or indirectly compensated for being interviewed.

Amanda Wilson is a top orthodontist, dental consultant and advisor. Amanda directly services dentists, dental specialists, and dental labs to grow businesses that support their unique needs, inside and outside the office. Amanda is the founder of StraightSmile Solutions, where their goal is to educate doctors to create healthy and happy smiles. We discuss how to use content to grow your business, how dentists can specialize, and how to take on the right cases for your specialty.



Content is Key!

  • Every business owner needs to be constantly creating content that grows followers or subscribers organically.
  • If you struggle with creating content, you can utilize services like Fiverr to have someone create graphics to be used as content.
  • Posting consistent content over time not only increases your visibility – but it also increases your credibility.
  • Sometimes you need to give away a lot for free in order to get paid.
  • However, over time people really start to trust you and want to work with you.

Stepping into Ortho

  • Dentists can actually start working in Ortho without any additional schooling.
  • The key for dentists is selecting the right cases and then delivering at the same level of quality the specialist would.
  • Amanda assists dentists while they are building their Ortho businesses by giving them support through different levels of service.
  • Sometimes this can be daily check-ins or sometimes this will mean she is on call to help with technical questions.

Building a Bridge

  • The doctors Amanda works with actually end up referring more cases to Ortho since they have started with her.
  • She does not recommend her dentists to take every case – but to instead take the right cases.
  • Additionally, this increases the dentists knowledge of Ortho, which means they are able to provide better care to their patients by catching things sooner.
  • It’s a win-win situation for everyone.


Best Quotes:


“It was an incredible loss of income and we started running the numbers and going does this make sense and how can we scale this back so that we are not having to pay for nannies and daycare and are still raising our own kids.” (3:29)

“The key is content, content, content, content … constantly creating content and organically creating followers, subscribers and trusted contacts.” (9:18)

“We incorporate ortho so that they can have more work life balance because of all the digital options within ortho.” (21:53)

“Then also every doctor should know the value of their chair time. You know, what is your billable hour with chair time for dr and for staff.” (24:54)

“We look through their historical cases and see what went wrong and how we can fix these systems and change things.” (25:50)


Connect With Amanda

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