Man is this guy Mike Kesner a stud. And he’s a dentist. Can I even say that in the same sentence?
He grew his dental practice to 7 figures in like 4 minutes. Wild.
The guy knows his stuff. Dentists – learn from MK.
He is solid – and can help you execute your vision!
Our podcasts are interviews between Justin Krane, Krane Financial Solution’s President, and various professionals, one or more of which are or have been Krane Financial Solutions clients. However, nothing stated within the podcasts should be considered a testimonial or endorsement of Krane Financial Solutions or Justin Krane, and the professionals have not been directly or indirectly compensated for being interviewed.
Dr. Mike Kesner is the President and CEO of Quantum Leap Success in Dentistry. He has practiced general dentistry in the Houston, Texas area since 1984. Mike is the author of the book Multi-Million Dollar Dental Practice, which details how he grew his practice from $675,000 to $4 million in only 5 years.
Getting Started
- Mike was a dentist for 13 years but was burnt out and sold his practice.
- After an interesting turn of events – he bought the practice back and was able to grow it rapidly.
- He saw other dentists in his position and wanted to help.
- He started with consulting and eventually would also write a book to help dentists grow their businesses and cut their stress.
Running the Business
- It’s easy to get burnt out in dentistry – especially if you aren’t making what you should.
- You need to have strong systems in place that keeps the business running.
- Hire a team that you can trust enough to do their job – but hold them accountable to it.
- If you are going to offer your team incentives – base it on profits – not the top line.
- Learn to communicate with patients in a different way so they understand their treatment plan.
Have a Vision
- It’s important to have an exit strategy – especially with single practice offices.
- With the rise of corporate dentistry, single practice owners are having a more difficult time selling.
- By partnering with a DSO or Private Equity, you are able to get an influx of funds and grow faster than you could by yourself.
- When you sell to a DSO this doesn’t always mean you leave the practice – YOU, as the dentist, hold most of the value in the company.
Best Quotes:
“It’s by having a strong system, by having a team that’s running the practice, and learning how to communicate with patients in a way that helps them to want what they need.” (09:30)
“As dentists, we’re typically micromanagers. And so I had to learn to give that up cause there’s no way that you can do it all by yourself. Hire good people and let them run and do a good job.” (10:48)
“When I say sell to a DSO, a lot of docs think that means sell and head for the beach. You need to sell and stay because if you sell and leave, the value goes way down.” (15:53)
“And so partnering with a DSO or Private Equity, you can get an influx of funds and grow a lot faster than you could by yourself.” (18:38)
“Most of the dentists coming out of dental school now don’t want to own. And so that’s caused the rise of corporate dentistry.” (21:11)
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Check out the Book: Multi-Million Dollar Dental Practice!
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